07746 398795 / 0161 637 4095 gemma@childspeechtherapist.co.uk

Further Info and Links

Working with children and doing research on a daily basis I find lots of information which I feel could be useful for people who feel they may need my services.  I will use this page to post links to good information websites or provide documents which you can download.

Below is a link to a document issued by ‘Save the Children’ which provides a good insight about schools and early learning and the importance of early speech therapy intervention.

Early Language Development Briefing paper

Early Intervention is Best

Please download the pdf document below which explains how early intervention really benefits the child in the long term.

First Words Project – 16 Gestures

Partner Organisations

I also work closely with the charities T21Network (for children and families of children with Down Syndrome) and Hope for Paediatric Epilepsy, providing a range of children and their parents with support regarding speech, language and communication needs. You can find further information on these charities in the links below:

Hope Charity in tameside – www.hopetameside.org.uk

T21 Network – www.t21network.org


Contact Us

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